Wednesday 28 April 2010

Still alive.

It’s been awhile.

And I have been writing, surprisingly. Well, not writing exactly, planning, researching, trying to sort the minutiae of what looks like it’s going to be a long and terribly involved work of fiction.

The Thing With No Name As Yet, revolves around a chain of parables from a holy book which frame the plot and are proving rather hard to write. It's all taking a lot of time and is dreadfully wearing on the brane, my dears. I do swear, most days, I am most fatig’ed. I may post something about the process in the near future – or not. I make no promises because I’m a lazy sod.

I'm also trying not to get too depressed and dispirited about the total lack of progress on Entanglement. Of the nine agents and one publisher I sent it to, I’ve had six rejections - assuming six months of silence from the agent who requested the full ms back in September 2009, also equals a ‘no’. Another agent – my most favoured - has had my three chapters since the start of December and still no response and I’m fighting the impulse to fire off a gently querying email because experience has taught me that that tends to annoy and lead to ultimate rejection, but…


You just can’t help but wonder if you’ve been lost/forgotten and why it’s taking so damn long. What about you, dear readers (I know you're out there!) What's your experience of dealing with the wait?

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